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Operation Esteem is The Grateful Garment Project’s newest program, started to address a particular issue that has been prevalent in younger victims of sexual violence. Unfortunately, younger victims (12 to 24 years old) who undergo a forensic examination or seek assistance are more likely to never return for follow-up. Many times they just don’t recognize how crucial follow-up medical services, case management or counseling are for them. These services help them develop the tools that are necessary so they may move from victim to survivor.  The low return (32%) rates for services is a real problem, as untreated sexual violence for any age is problematic.  For a child, teen or young adult, sexual violence can set their lives on a seriously diminished trajectory. 

Negative outcomes of untreated trauma on minors and young adults

2 times likely of being sexually assaulted- again.

3 times more likely to become victims to violence again.

 Effects on Mental Health

  • Self-harm (cutting, eating disorders, etc.)

  • Substance abuse

  • Anger & Violence 

  • Suicide

2 times likely to be sexually assaulted again.

Sexual violence is modeled behavior, thus meaning often perpetrators were victims first themselves or had this behavior modeled to them. The objective of Operation Esteem is to incentivize younger victims of sexual violence to return for crucial STD testing/medical services, case management or counseling. 


Every time they return for any type of these services they are able to receive a $5 - $10 gift card, and may receive up to 10.

Seeds of healing are planted and with a positive esteem that grows, dignity is being restored. A gift card to a cup of coffee, food to-go or something simple like credit to the grocery store has proven to increase the retention of youth seeking mental health services by 150% thus proving Operation Esteem as highly effective.


The Grateful Garment Project is a nonprofit focused on restoring dignity to victims of sexual violence. We are determined to reduce the suffering of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children and victims of sexual violence, human sexual trafficking, and sexual crime. Our organization ensures victims receive clothing, food, toiletries, and comfort items in hospitals, shelters, and other sexual violence service providers once they seek help after an attack. In addition, The Grateful Garment Project further combats the effects of sexual violence by spreading awareness, promoting healing, and creating communities that uplift victims in the most crucial of moments. 

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